
Whether it’s the mobility and acrobatic skills of the DJI FPV, or the steady 5.4K of the DJI Air 2S, drones like DJI FPV and DJI Air 2S empower filmmakers to create shots that can amaze their audience.

With that in mind, we thought we’d put together a quick guide on how to film “impossible-style” shots to amaze your audience – no matter what drone you own.

How to follow your subject like a pro

Plan your route:

Walking through your route in advance will help not only with seeing which obstacles you’ll need to work to avoid, but it’ll also make it clear which line you need to follow to capture the shot from the best possible angle

Adjust your camera angle:

With a drone like the DJI FPV, your camera angle has a direct impact on the speed and aggressiveness of the drone. Choosing the right gimbal angle is key for getting the right shot and the right vibe.

0-10 degrees – slow-flying

11-20 degrees – fast flying

21-45 degrees – extreme flying.

Not using a DJI FPV drone? Not to worry, with intelligent flight modes such as ActiveTrack, DJI drones like the DJI Air 2S are capable of automatically following your subject – leaving you able to focus on enjoying the action while it happens.

How to create a cinematic one-shot

One of the most impressive kinds of shots is the one-takes that take the viewer on a journey through the scene but,

It’s all in the planning:

Before taking off, you may want to plan it all out. From the route you’ll take, to setting up actors, to working out what angle your gimbal needs to be at to capture the moment best – spending some time in the planning phase will definitely save time and energy once your drone is powered on.

How to thread the needle and fly through tight spaces

When it comes to flying through tight spaces with your drone, practice definitely makes perfect, but there are some quick tips we can share to make it all easier.

Use Propeller Guards:

If you’re planning on flying indoors, chances are that you’ll be passing through some tight spaces. Make sure that you protect your propellers by fixing prop guards to your drone before you take off.

Stand in a straight line of sight with your drone.

On top of being critical to all flight, this is especially so when flying through tight spaces as it allows you to line your drone up with the gap and fly in a straight line.

Know how to fly backward:

Sometimes, you’ll be in front of your drone rather than behind it, meaning that your controls would be reversed. Being able to know instinctively whether to pull left or right when flying through a gap could be the difference between success and failure.

No matter whether it’s the DJI FPVDJI Air 2S, or DJI Mini 2 – drones are an amazing way to captivate and amaze your audience with shots that just are not possible from handheld cameras.